Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tweets Of The Day - Trump Reneges On Iran Nuclear Agreement


  1. He's unable to understand the complex world we live in. I don't know what else to say.

  2. We knew it was coming, we hoped it wasn't, but in the end we are a nation at the mercy of an egomaniacal, ignorant, and stupid false president. And we have lost face as a world leader, not soon to be regained. Other countries can no longer trust us in treaties and deals, and most have never trusted Trump in the first place, so damage is going to be difficult, if not impossible to repair.

    For Trump, this was yet another exercise in demolishing Obama's legacy. I'm certain he has no idea of what he's done, or the repercussions that will follow.

  3. Diva and donnah - he's a total catastrophe for this country and the world.

  4. I'm beside myself with rage. I can't imagine what will happen with NK. I can't say anymore because I'll have the men in black at my door.

  5. Hold on, remember trump is still out to wreck NAFTA, start a half dozen or so trade wars, and probably pull us out of NATO given the chance.

    The thing that really makes my head swim is when any of these things blows up and sends the economy crashing or starts a major war, none of trump's supporters have intelligence to realize their savior caused this shit.

  6. Anon - we're with you!

    BB -- absolutely!

  7. It's up to the Europeans to lead now. As long as Trump is in office, the free world will have to get things done by working around the US rather than with it.

    It's now up to Rouhani and other moderates in Iran to try and keep their crazies under control, since no one seems to be left in Washington to keep our crazies under control. Otherwise the warmongering ultras, like Bolton and the Shiite militants in Tehran, will get what they want -- an escalating cycle of provocations that will make war more likely.

  8. Infidel - The Europeans and Rouhani are now the "adults in the room," and Putin scores another victory over US influence in the region. Winning!
