Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Plagiarism Is The Sincerest Form Of Plagiarism

White (Supremacist) House captive and desperate wife Melania Trump unveiled her pet project yesterday -- cyberbullying no less -- and managed to present an Obama-era brochure almost in its entirety as her project's own work:
"On Monday, Trump launched her 'Be Best' initiative to promote children’s health, focusing on well-being, social media and online activity, and opioid addiction. As part of that, she and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released a 27-page document outlining her plan to help parents talk with their children about being safe online.

But the document copies sections almost word-for-word from a FTC pamphlet published in January 2014 as part of the agency’s 'Net Cetera' campaign, which began under President Barack Obama in 2009. After tweaking some language and graphics and adding an introduction from the first lady, the White House uploaded the new document, 'Talking With Kids About Being Online,' to its website as the only external resource for Trump’s new Be Best website."
(emphasis added)
 Shades of the 2016 Rethuglican convention, where she delivered a speech plagiarized from an earlier speech by First Lady Michelle Obama.

These repeated, embarrassing public appearances may convince her to take baby steps and work on the nation's preeminent cyber bully -- her malignant husband -- before she takes on the rest of the country.

BONUS: Hypocrisy apparently goes hand-in-hand with plagiarism.


  1. I've heard that Melania's popularity has been increasing, but in my book she's another dupe who followed Trump for fame and money, so she gets no vote from me. She's offering a no-bully message, which is ironic from someone who had been bullied every day by her loathesome husband. She has no clue, none, about how Americans live, and she has no business pretending to be any kind of spokesperson for us.

    And the fact that for the second time she's accepted plagiarized material for her own use tells me she is incapable of doublechecking her sources or understanding the message she pretends to share.

    Go lie in the bed you've made, Melania.

  2. donnah - Some of the increase in her popularity (still far below Michelle's) may be due to misplaced sympathy. As you say, she made her own bed with lots of money from the Orange Shitgibbon. She's going through the motions, like she did when she was modeling on the catwalk.
