Friday, May 11, 2018

The Gambler And His Game

Yesterday, corrupt gambling tycoon and desiccated shit bag Sheldon "Smelly Shelly" Adelson wrote a check for $30 million to the political action committee of spineless Squeaker of the House Paul "Lyin'" Ryan.  Of course, since bag men elected officials are not allowed to accept large donations, after bag man Ryan made his pitch to Smelly about how it was important to keep the House in Rethuglican hands, he slipped out of the room and let his entourage to take the check.

We've covered Smelly Shelly for years, including when he was under investigation for violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act for allegedly bribing Chinese officials over gaming rights in Macau. He contributed millions to neo-fascist white supremacist Donald "Rump" Trump's 2016 campaign (you know, the one where Rump said he didn't need corrupting outside money). He's a passionate supporter of right-wing Israeli politicians, prominently Likudnik Bibi "Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu, and bases his decisions on their needs.

By filling the coffers of Ryan's PAC to keep the Rethuglican House in their hands, Smelly is directly boosting their reactionary agenda: defeat of gun safety measures, denial of climate change, tax cuts and regulatory benefits to enrich the wealthy and corporations, rolling back women's rights, and shielding a corrupt and likely treasonous President from justice. Vote, contribute, and make his contribution a bad bet for him.

BONUS: Dem billionaire Tom Steyer could learn something from Smelly. Steyer's been running mostly vanity TV ads, costing tens of millions, for months now calling for Rump to be impeached. While they're fun to watch, impeachment won't happen without a Dem House and Senate. Those dollars should be redirected to Dems running for Senate and Congressional races, or all of Mr. Steyer's ads won't amount to anything.

(photo illustration by Darrow, NY Magazine)


  1. Rotten money from rotten criminals to a rotten political party. No big surprises here, just more of the same corruption. If Democrats were doing it, there would be riots in the streets, but the Republicans surged past rule-breaking a long time ago, and won't be challenged or held accountable for any of their dirty antics or rotten criminal activity.

    Still, it stinks.

  2. donnah -- They're able to overlook anything, including the tainted money of a corrupt gambling czar. The first, best step would be to overturn Citizens United, but with Rethuglican addiction to the money of the kind Adelson offers, that will be a very long, hard haul.

  3. Where to begin? Trump and the Republicans have upended so many different rules that it seems impossible to get them right again. Campaign finance with actual limits and ways to stop illegal dionations would be awesome. If we could hold the Republicans to other rules that they keep bending, we could possibly salvage parts of our democracy. Banking regulations, immigration laws, human rights...the list is endless.

    And we could enforce rules against gerrymandering, which we were actually able to pass here in Ohio last week. It's a start. We may have reached a point of no return in some issues, but we have to keep pushing back against Trump and his ilk. Keeping our election process safe and making sure everyone gets to vote and have that vote count is what separates us from other despot-run countries.
