Friday, May 11, 2018

Voices of Depravity: Mock The Dying Edition

Trump TV announced that a retired U.S. Air Force General will not be back on its network after he made a despicable reference to terminally ill Sen. John McCain by calling him "songbird John," falsely suggesting that McCain broke under torture while in a North Vietnamese prison. Thomas McInerney made the comments Wednesday on the Fux Business Channel, during a discussion of Gina Haspel's nomination to be CIA Director and McCain's decision not to support her over her role in the CIA's torture program.

Meanwhile, the White (Supremacist) House has yet to discipline Kelly "Sad!" Sadler, a communications assistant to unstable sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump, for her comment that McCain's vote not to confirm Haspel wouldn't matter because "he'd dying anyway."  Sadler, who has never served her country in uniform, later claimed the comment was "a joke." Her boss Rump (a.k.a. Cadet Bone Spurs) got five deferments during the Vietnam war, including one for "bone spurs," and denigrated McCain in 2015 as not being a "war hero."

The vindictive sociopathy of the Trump cult is in full flower.


  1. I'll never be a member of the John McCain Fan Club, but he deserves the respect and decency afforded a war veteran and former POW. He served the country on different levels his entire life. He is a better human being by far than those who have spoken ill of him.

    These crude and cruel remarks reflect what Trump does on a daily basis. He has lowered the discourse of our daily lives, where people openly mock the disabled, insult different cultures, and speak their minds without regard for anyone else. Sadly, when they speak their minds, they reveal how terrible they actually are. Society needs to return to a level of decent discourse because with all the stresses most of us face daily, people's tempers are already elevated.

    Yet another reason to despise this miserable excuse for a human being.

  2. donnah -- We've taken lots of shots at him over the years for his positions, but we never questioned his service or commitment. He and Russ Feingold tried to get dirty money out of politics, but dirty money won, and we're living with the consequences.

  3. Kelly Sadler, Thomas McInerney, and Sarah Haggardly Sanders all have shamed themselves. Sadler proves yet again that Trump's Cabinet is full of disgusting pigs who don't know anything about history or honor. I'd bet my bottom dollar that Sadler has no clue about McCain's past, that she's just shooting her mouth off about a guy who made comments about her boss. McInerney has an axe to grind as well. And Sarah was just trying to pretend it never happened, claiming it was a leak from a private meeting.

    Since no one can deny what Sadler said, she should be fired. There's no reason for anyone to still be working for our government who lacks the good grace and sense of respect...oh, who am I kidding? She fits right in.
