Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Brothel Owner Wins Rethug Primary

The Associated Press reports that Nevada pimp Dennis "Ho" Hof won the Rethuglican primary for a state assembly district yesterday, ousting a three-term Rethug incumbent. "Ho" Hof, who owns several legal brothels in Nevada, is now the favorite to win the general election in the Rethug-voting district.

There couldn't be a better metaphor for the Rethug Party than to have a successful pimp winning a Rethug primary election. Indeed, "Ho" Hof gave credit to another, more famous degenerate for his plunge into politics:
"Hof celebrated his win at a party in Pahrump with Hollywood Madam Heidi Fleiss at his side.

'It’s all because Donald Trump was the Christopher Columbus for me,' Hof told the Associated Press in a phone call. 'He found the way and I jumped on it.'
We bet he got the support of "evangelicals" in the primary.

BONUS: Racist Trump cultist wins Rethug nod to challenge Sen. Tim Kaine in Virginia. The depravity runs deep.

(photo: "Ho" Hof and his advisors.)


  1. The Republicans are no longer allowed to claim they are a party of Christians. With Trump and his countless minions who break established laws, ignore rules, allow immigrants to be tortured and taken from families, elect garbage misogynists, elect Nazis, cozy up to foreign leaders who starve and murder their own people...the words of Christ should taste like ashes in their mouths.

    Anyone who voted for Trump, anyone who claims to be Republican, all are complicit. They are not good followers of the Bible. They are not Christians.

    They are vile.

  2. donnah -- The only grace (pardon the pun) is that they've been forever exposed as evil, enabling hypocrites unworthy of respect or a platform.
