At last night's Tony Awards, the incomparable Robert De Niro let loose a message for short fingered vulgarian Donald "Rump" Trump in language he would understand and that he's used himself:
Here's video of DeNiro swearing at Trump on #TonyAwards— Rhett Bartlett (@dialmformovies) June 11, 2018
Australian feed didnt censor it.
There were some of the usual concern trolls who thought De Niro had gone overboard:
Hollywood here’s your problem. Deniro says “Fuck Trump.” Bee says Ivanka is “a cunt.” Maher “hopes for a recession to get rid of Trump.” That’s all you got? Do you have any clue as to how this plays right into Trump’s playbook? Keep it up and you’ll help ensure four more years.— Mark McKinnon (@mmckinnon) June 11, 2018
Others saw it quite differently:
Right because perhaps his base could be persuaded to act rationally & reject him if only deniro hadn’t cursed at him.— wavey shore 🌊 🐋 🌈 (@wavyshore) June 11, 2018
Anyone criticizing Robert DeNiro's words should keep this in mind:— Nick Jack Pappas (@Pappiness) June 11, 2018
When you elect a vulgar President, you can expect a vulgar response.#TonyAwards
What Robert DeNiro said was in poor taste and disrespectful and he should resign the Presidency immediately.— John Ross Bowie (@JohnRossBowie) June 11, 2018
Deplorables: "Chelsea Clinton is ugly. Hillary is a hag. Obama is an ape. Michelle Obama is a man. Libtards are fragile snowflakes. Ha ha, did I trigger you? Fuck your feelings."— Jeff Tiedrich (@jefftiedrich) June 11, 2018
also Deplorables: "How dare Robert DeNiro say something mean about Trump."
Damn, I love that man!