Monday, June 11, 2018

Doing Putin's Job For Him

This past weekend's G7 summit in Canada was bookended by two events. First was neo-fascist Putin asset Donald "Rump" Trump's statement before departing Washington that imperialist Russia should be allowed back into the G7, despite having invaded and waged war on its neighbors (Ukraine in 2014 and Georgia in 2008), engaging in the sabotage of elections in the West, and political assassinations on Western soil.  Second, his petulant statements following the summit that blamed Canada, perhaps our closest friend on Earth, for the summit coming apart at the seams, after he refused to sign a joint communique. This is supposed to be the way one deals with adversaries, not with our closest allies. The Atlantic's conservative David Frum writes of the summit's ending:
"Like some nightmare family Thanksgiving from which the most difficult relative departs first, everybody breathed easier when the president at last left. Perhaps after all, it was sort of a success?

Then, something happened. From Air Force One, the president emitted a vituperative series of tweets aimed at his Canadian counterpart. What had triggered him? Had he belatedly seen that photograph of Angela Merkel looming over him? As many have said: Trump thinks in images, not ideas. Who could ever know? Trump probably does not know himself."
(our emphasis)
It also may have been a foolish gambit to impress Kim Jong-un with his "toughness," when in fact it will signal to Kim that not only is Rump an unreliable partner, but he's burning bridges to his allies and is therefore in a weakened position internationally. After all, if Rump's touchy-feely meeting with Kim is a bust, which of our allies will rush to our side if Rump plans more sanctions on North Korea?

All of this trashing of our alliances and walking away from international agreements is following Moscow's script for us to the "t." Rump made it clear before and during the summit that he's Putin's man, and he's not even trying to hide it. The money that Russia poured into the Trump Organization in the past is paying dividends to Putin beyond his wildest imagination. Rump knows if they pull the money out, he's toast.

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