Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Republican Supreme Court Ruling Deals Blow To Public Sector Unions

The old, male Republican reactionaries on the Supreme Court strike again, in yet another egregious 5-4 ruling:
The anti-worker right, bankrolled by conservative billionaires, has finally gotten the victory it’s been looking for through years and repeated well-funded Supreme Court challenges to a 40-year-old precedent. Janus v. AFSCME once again challenged the requirement that people represented by public sector unions who choose not to join the union still have to pay a fair share fee to cover the direct costs for representing them. That is, they’re paying the costs of collective bargaining and other things from which they personally benefit, not for any union political activity. But Republicans and their wealthy donors saw an attack on even that fair share fee as a way to weaken unions. And now, on the third try in recent years, with Neil Gorsuch on the court, the right got its win.
The ruling, written by the vile Samuel Alito, overturned a 40- year precedent, decided in Abood v Detroit Board of Education, which held that public sector unions could collect fees from non- union members to cover costs of workplace negotiations, but not for political activities.

We'll say it again:  elections have consequences (also: "But her emails!").

You can also thank this POS, trolling us with a pic of the crucial 5th SCOTUS vote he engineered:

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