Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Trump Campaigns On The "Tallahassee Trail"

Seth Meyers takes "A Closer Look" at deranged narcissistic dolt Donald "Rump" Trump's rambling cradle of sedition South Carolina rally, his endless bragging, his delusions, his pettiness, his "super elite" supporters, his "travel" ban, and more.  For our sanity, let's keep laughing until we can get this supernova of a shitstain out of office.


  1. His ramblings say as much about his followers as they do about himself. They are blindly loyal to him, no matter what he says, no matter how absolutely ridiculous he is. He stands there and says completely stupid things, tells baldfaced lies, insults countless people, and they cheer wildly.

    Trump thrives on adoration. We know now that those core voters will never change. They would vote for him regardless of what he says or does. We lost to these idiots because Democrats didn't vote and the ones who did vote were gerrymandered out of relevance. Then there were those who were discouraged from voting, or faced discrimination against voting. This November, we have to get out the vote, get decent people motivated to go vote for the Democrats, and make sure the votes are counted.

  2. donnah - right. One of the things I look for are the reactions of the numbnuts sitting behind him. Hard to believe we share the same air, the same country with these awful people.

    BTW, we had a good Dem turnout here in Maryland yesterday, although we're not by any means a "swing state". The enthusiasm is still very much on our side.

  3. That's great news! We will hear a lot of news between now and November, trying to discourage voters and muddying the issues, touting Republican accomplishments like lower unemployment and tax breaks. We know that's bogus, but we need to spell it out for those who aren't political wonks.

    We can't get distracted. We have to create a wave that is undeniable and moves our party forward to regain control of our country before it's too late. If it isn't already.

  4. Been out of the country for 9 months sailing around. Every time we get wifi and go online my jaw drops listening to that idiot. My jaw drops because nobody tells him he's an idiot. What are people afraid of? Why would most of congress just sit there and allow the crap to keep coming out of his mouth unchallenged? Is it because he is a useful idiot or is it because he's backed up by the russian mob? Why is the press not laughing at him? Why aren't they challenging him? A few do but they get slapped down. Never seen anything like this in my lifetime. How can the investigation lead to anything that will stick to Trump if he doesn't have to answer to his current lies and misdeeds? Will congress do anything about it if he is accused of breaking the law?
    Scary times.

    I'm commenting because I needed a place to write it down hoping it will make me feel better. BP must be elevated. If I post on FaceCrack all my Trumpkin friends will come out of the woodwork to defend this mental case. Oy.

    Good thing we have Hackwhacker to vent to :D

    Currently in Trinidad

  5. PJB - In some ways, we wish we'd been out sailing for the past 9 months, too! You can vent here anytime!
