Friday, June 22, 2018

Trudeau Out-Polls Trump In U.S.

News Item: Justin Trudeau's favorability numbers in the U.S. are 9 points higher than Trump's.

By a margin of 49% to 40% according to a new CNN poll, Americans have a more favorable view of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau than bigoted sociopath and Very Stable Genius Donald "Rump" Trump. They also think that it's more important to protect our relationships with our allies than to impose tariffs to protect U.S. industries by a 60% to 40% margin. More:
"Trump's behavior at the G7 summit in Canada earlier this month did nothing to help his standing with the American public and their view of how he's handling foreign trade. The number of Americans who approve of how Trump is handling foreign affairs has moved down since May, to just 39%; the same is true for his rating on foreign trade and his overall approval rating. 
Two-thirds of Americans believe that foreign leaders do not respect Trump. And picking a fight with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may not have been such a good idea -- Trudeau has a higher favorable rating among the US public than Trump does, at 40% for the President and 49% for the Prime Minister." (our emphasis)
Under the malignant regime of Rump, we're becoming a pariah in the world, and that's before anyone's measured the impact of the child separation obscenity at the southern border.

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