Monday, July 23, 2018

Bannon's European Mischief

Although he's left the Trump White (Supremacist) House after serving as "chief strategist," sinister alt-right guru and delusional derelict Steve "Loose Cannon" Bannon hasn't been idle in fomenting discord among our democratic allies. Reports indicate that Bannon, partnering with a former aide to neo-fascist British politician Nigel Farage, has formed a nationalist/anti-immigrant group of sociopaths in Brussels called "The Movement" (we'd say bowel) that seeks to undermine and destroy the European Union, a longstanding goal of the Russian government. A glaring irony here is that the aforementioned partner with Bannon is a character by the name of Raheem Kassam, whose parents immigrated to the UK, and who is a former Muslim ("OK, I'm on the boat boys! Pull up the ladder!").

According to Kassam, who also edited the UK edition of Breitbart:
“The Movement will be our clearing house for the populist, nationalist movement in Europe. We’re focusing attention on assisting individuals or groups concerned with the matters of sovereignty, border control, jobs, amongst other things. We decided to headquarter out of Brussels because it is the heart of the European Union — the most pernicious force against nation state democracy in the West today. The organization is already a structured foundation with a significant annual budget and we have started to staff up.”
What are the odds that their "significant annual budget" includes lots of laundered rubles? Bannon recently met in London with Farage and Louis Aliot, an associate of French fascist Marine LePen who ran against Emmanuel Macron in the French presidential race last year, to plot their activities. Their first target will be next May's European Parliament elections, in which they hope to sow discord and derail the EU, again a principal goal of the Kremlin. The current Parliament has roughly 100 seats out of 751 held by anti-EU nationalist extremists.

We hope that Europeans have their own "blue wave" next May, soundly reject alt-right and xenophobic candidates, and flush The Movement.

(photo: J. Liebman, Bloomberg Businessweek)

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