Monday, July 23, 2018

Twit Tweet, Thwap (UPDATED)

After defending the Helsinki #treasonsummit performance of too- big- an- idiot- to- be- a- useful- idiot Donald "Rump" Trump, ultra- right light Kentucky flake Sen. "Ayn" Rand Paul (R-Aqua Buddha) wanted to do Rump another solid by going after one of Rump's most credible antagonists.

Twit Tweet:

"Ayn" Rand is also supposedly asking Rump to revoke the security clearance of former C.I.A. Director Brennan, someone who served his country with far more distinction for far longer than the ultra- light flake from Kentucky.

Yeah, where is "Ayn" Rand's neighbor when we need him?

UPDATE:  Oh, the foul irony -- repulsive White House Spokesliar Sarah "Hucksterbee" Sanders says Rump is considering pulling the security clearances of a whole raft of anti- Rump former intelligence and law enforcement officials (but not "at this point" the clearances of President Obama and Vice President Biden).  Yeah, they're exactly the ones who need to have their clearances pulled...

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