Monday, July 16, 2018

Reactions To Trump's Treasonous Performance In Helsinki

Twitter is lighting up about Putin puppet Donald "Rump" Trump's treasonous performance at the news conference following his performance review with Russian thug Vladimir Putin (a.k.a., #treasonsummit). These are a few:

And finally,


  1. Have we finally turned a corner? Will Congress do something now? What the fuck is it going to take to get this traitor out of our House?

  2. Oh, if only, Diva!

    Let's see how this plays out, in reality. Republican leaders who are not running again will weakly say Trump portrayed us badly and the Russians took advantage. Staunch Republicans will claim that Hillary and Obama are to blame for being hacked and losing emails and information. Diehard Republicans will double down on Obama and Mueller for creating a false threat and having a criminal DOJ.

    It was treason. Trump is a traitor. We know it, the world knows it, and deep down, even those Republicans knownit, but the difference is that we clearly have a battle laid out before us. The Republicans will have to live with their dishonesty.

  3. Diva and donnah -- based on past experience, and using Rump's "I could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue" standard, outrage may be expressed by a few, who will then join the rest of the cult and continue the business of advancing his scurvy agenda. I just saw that chump Rand "Aquabuddha" Paul doubling down on "Trump Derangement Syndrome" and Dimmycrat bias in our intelligence community against Rump; it's their default position.
