Thursday, July 5, 2018

Thank You, Mayor Khan


  1. I can't imagine what it'll be like in the streets of London if/when tRump goes to England.

  2. donnah -- Us, too.

    Diva -- There will be massive demonstrations, according to reports we've read. Londoners know how to put on a big show.

  3. Diva, I'd love to see it in front of the Oval Office window, or better yet, cruising above Mar-A-LargeAss!

  4. I'm a gonna bet a few nickels on this & say, Baby in Chief backs out of this visit. He does not like being humiliated & I believe the Britains' have a fine schedule of events lined up. I don't think the Queen will interfere, at least I'm hoping she won't. He might have a "scheduling" conflict come up. Maybe those damn bone spurs will act up.
    Can't wait!

  5. FM -- We hope you're wrong and that he gets humiliated by massive demonstrations everywhere he goes in London. His staff will do what they can to insulate him, though.
