Sunday, July 1, 2018

Trump's Anti-Choice Disdain For Women

As the battle over the vacant Supreme Court seat escalates, it's assured that sociopath and supreme narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump will select a right-winger with clear, anti-choice positions on women's reproductive rights. There will be the typical hemming and hawing and evasion by Trumpists and the eventual nominee to attempt to tamp down resistance by Senate Dems and the supposedly pro-choice Rethuglican Senators Collins and Murkowski.

The Guardian's excellent Richard Wolffe, greatly missed from his regular gigs on MSNBC, takes us on a tour of Rump's changing views on abortion rights, noting that he's opportunistically changed positions as often as he's changed wives. But the lack of integrity simply reinforces the fact that Rump has a low regard for women:
"At this point, Trump is fooling nobody about his true motives. He is as much the puppet of anti-abortion groups as he is the puppet of Vladimir Putin. His supposed moral strength is a masquerade hiding his amoral absence of character and values. He sold what little soul he has to a supposedly Christian movement that only cares about their generation-long campaign against women’s rights.

The only consistent part of Trump’s thinking is his disdain for women because, being a star, he naturally thinks he can 'do anything' to them."
In his article, Wolffe mentions the case of Rethuglican mega-donor and oversized potato Elliott Broidy, who claimed to have an extramarital affair with a Playboy model resulting in a pregnancy and subsequent abortion. Broidy allegedly used Rump fixer Michael Cohen to pay the model $1.6 million for her non-disclosure of the affair and abortion. It remains to be seen if Broidy was simply a go-between for Rump himself to hide the paternity of the fetus, having later been rewarded with lucrative government contracts by Rump's criminal administration. Of course, his Bible-banging, partisan "evangelical" base won't care if their spray tanned idol has, in their most extreme parlance, "murdered an innocent child." He gets unlimited mulligans.

His announcement of a nominee on July 9 won't be a surprise, even though the Beltway media is playing the odds game. Whomever that nominee is, the fight needs to be fought as never before in our lifetimes.

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