The Associated Press is reporting that the U.S. Army is discharging immigrant recruits and reservists, despite the promise made to them that their service would lead to citizenship.
"The AP was unable to quantify how many men and women who enlisted through the special recruitment program have been booted from the Army, but immigration attorneys say they know of more than 40 who have been discharged or whose status has become questionable, jeopardizing their futures. [snip] Eligible recruits are required to have legal status in the U.S., such as a student visa, before enlisting. More than 5,000 immigrants were recruited into the program in 2016, and an estimated 10,000 are currently serving. Most go the Army, but some also go to the other military branches.In some cases, discharge would have dangerous consequences for their immigration status:
To become citizens, the service members need an honorable service designation, which can come after even just a few days at boot camp. But the recently discharged service members have had their basic training delayed, so they can’t be naturalized." (our emphasis)
"The Pakistani service member who spoke to the AP said he learned in a phone call a few weeks ago that his military career was over.The stories are repeated again and again, as immigrant recruits seeking to serve in the military and to eventually become U.S. citizens, only to have the U.S. go back on its word and jeopardize their futures and even lives. More shame and bigotry from this evil administration.
“There were so many tears in my eyes that my hands couldn’t move fast enough to wipe them away,” he said. “I was devastated, because I love the U.S. and was so honored to be able to serve this great country.”
He asked that his name be withheld because he fears he might be forced to return to Pakistan, where he could face danger as a former U.S. Army enlistee." (our emphasis)
(h/t to friend P.E.C. for pointing out the story)
Just when you thought this Piece of Garbage in Chief & his Assministration couldn't drop the limbo pole any lower, they surprise ya. Kidnapping children from their parents, & holding them for ransom in "jails". Now this. The pole is so low now, only snakes can slither under it. Oh, wait.
ReplyDeleteF.M. -- Trump's trying to ethnically cleanse the U.S., one group at a time. The fact that he dodged the draft during Vietnam makes this act particularly despicable.