Friday, July 6, 2018

Tweets Of The Day

Last night, Man Baby had a rally with his Republican Party cultists in Montana. It was the usual crazy, over- the- top shitshow, with the morons in thrall, following him into the sewer.


  1. Montana sez: We are so proud of this man. HE is who WE are!"
    ENUF SAID !! montana, maga.

  2. I dare you to imagine Barack Obama giving that same speech, i dare you.

    I know, it makes you gag, doesn't it? I cannot even...

  3. FM - hopefully, there are still enough good people in Montana to re-elect Sen. Tester. We're not betting on it, given the dimbulbery on display at that rally.

    donnah - Rump isn't worthy to lick Obama's shoe, of course. What an unhinged jackass.
