Saturday, July 7, 2018

Consciousness Of Guilt, Part Infinity Infinity

Crime family mouthpiece Rudy "Ghouliani" Giuliani has come out from wherever he's been marinating to offer yet more proof of un- indicted co- conspirator Donald "Rump" Trump's consciousness of guilt:
President Trump’s lawyers set new conditions on Friday on an interview with the special counsel and said that the chances that the president would be voluntarily questioned were growing increasingly unlikely. 
The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, needs to prove before Mr. Trump would agree to an interview that he has evidence that Mr. Trump committed a crime and that his testimony is essential to completing the investigation, said Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s lead lawyer in the case. 
His declaration was the latest sign that the president’s lawyers, who long cooperated quietly with the inquiry even as their client attacked it, have shifted to an openly combative stance.
"Show us all your cards before we ante up!" 

Of course this is nonsense, but the whole game has been to stonewall, de- legitimatize and slur the investigation and its ultimate findings in order to hang on in the "political court," with stooges like Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, and Matt Gaetz running interference for your worthless hide.  When you're an innocent person with nothing to hide, you don't behave in this manner.  When you're a pathological liar who has decades of criminal business dealings with a hostile kleptocratic government that has "kompromat" on you, this is how you behave.

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