Saturday, July 28, 2018

Trump's Looking To Bench Jared

We've speculated in the past that sociopath and perv Donald "Rump" Trump wants his son-in-law Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner to fail in his multiple assignments so he can show daughter and object of his lust Ivanka who's the real man in the corrupt family. According to this article, he also wanted both of them to return to New York at various times in the last 18 months, realizing that they added nothing to his incompetent administration but more incompetence.

In addition to an interesting little aside in the article is that Kushner wasn't Rump's choice for a son-in-law, quarterback Tom Brady was, there's this:
"Trump reportedly joked to a number of people that he 'could have had Tom Brady' as a son-in-law, but he 'got Jared instead.' He also said 'Jared hasn’t been so good for me,' on a few occasions, and told friends and chief of staff John F. Kelly that he wished Jared and Ivanka would go back to New York, the Times reported." (our emphasis)
Kushner had advised Rump to fire James Comey, thereby triggering the appointment of a Special Counsel, something that Rump undoubtedly remembers. His "ultimate deal" in the Middle East is a non-starter. He also pushed Rump to endorse Rethug primary loser Sen. Luther Strange in the Alabama U.S. Senate race, and on and on.

At least Brady can throw a spiral.


  1. sociopath and perv Donald "Rump" Trump wants his son-in-law Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner to fail in his multiple assignments so he can show daughter and object of his lust Ivanka who's the real man in the corrupt family

    This administration has entirely too much of a Game of Thrones vibe to it. If Trump is impeached he can start his own family reality TV show along the lines of the Duggars. It would probably have to be on an adults-only channel, though.

  2. Infidel -- The dysfunction of this family mob is so glaring. Including his daughter in meetings with foreign leaders, etc., suggests that he envisioned her being his dynastic successor as the first female President -- "take that, Hillary." Sick people.
