Monday, August 20, 2018

Business Group Blasts Trump's Tariff Plan

The conservative U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the lobby for U.S. big business, is weighing in on con man and demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump's plan to impose $200 billion in tariffs on Chinese-made goods (excepting those made by his daughter's shoddy, failed operation). In their official statement to the U.S. Trade Representative, after expressing concern over intellectual property issues with China, the Chamber said that Rump's proposed tariffs on Chinese imports "dramatically expands the harm to American consumers, workers, businesses, and the economy.” Their statement goes on to say that retaliatory tariffs by China would disrupt "global trade and supply chains, further damaging American businesses, workers, farmers, ranchers, and investors."

The Chamber,  a Rump cheerleader on corporate taxes, is one of those establishment Rethuglican institutions that's watching its influence wane, as Rump pursues nonsensical, pseudo-populist economic policies that he believes his ignorant base will support....until they lose their own jobs.

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