Sunday, August 5, 2018

"I Confess On Behalf Of My Son!"

"Get under the bus, Junior!"  Un- indicted co- conspirator Donald "Rump" Trump drops a bombshell this morning:

Let that sink in for a second.

Here's the "Fake News" story cited by Rump about his concern for Squiggy's legal jeopardy.

Set aside, for the moment, Trump’s claims that the meeting went nowhere (for which there’s abundant contrary evidence) and that he didn’t know about it. Consider simply that this means Trump sat down with Vladimir Putin last July at the G-20, and came up with a lie to avoid admitting the fact Pops just admitted, the lie that Junior took a meeting to learn about Russian adoptions. 
That’s some pretty damning admission of a conspiracy right there.
Rump's confession that, in fact, there was a conspiracy to gain "dirt" on Hillary Clinton from a foreign government and that his son Squiggy was involved, has even caught one of his smarmy mouthpieces having to homina homina an earlier lie he spoke in defense of his client:
Even as the President was admitting to entering into a conspiracy with the Russian President and his envoys, his less incompetent lawyer, Jay Sekulow, went on ABC news and said,

   I had bad information at that time and made a mistake in my statement, I talked about that before, that happens when you have cases like this … in a situation like this, over time facts develop. 
What he means by “cases like this” and “a situation like this” are “cases and situations where your client is a pathological liar.” 
We detect an indictment heading Squiggy's way.  Stay tuned.

As for Robert Mueller --

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