Saturday, August 18, 2018

Manafort Lawyer Thanks Trump For "Support"

In a sign that fraudster and Russian stooge Paul Manafort is anticipating a pardon from co-conspirator and Russian asset Donald "Rump" Trump,  Manafort's lawyer thanked Rump yesterday for his "support" after Rump publically declared his former campaign manager was a "good man" that had been treated "unfairly." Rump has used the term "unfairly" before pardoning such lowlifes as national security leaker Scooter Libby, smear merchant Dinesh D'Souza, and felonious bigot sheriff "Blow" Joe Arpaio. Many see Rump's comment as both trying to influence the jury, which has not been sequestered, and signaling to Manafort that he should not make a plea deal with the Mueller investigation in exchange for his testimony against Rump.

Manafort's attorney, Kevin Downing may also have committed ethics violations in publicly thanking Rump for supporting his client. Lawyers are admonished under American Bar Association ethics rules not to make public statements that might materially prejudice an ongoing judicial proceeding. Some are calling for the prosecution in the trial to pursue censuring Downing from the bench, but that's a slap on the wrist given the potential damage to the judicial process and rule of law.

(photo: Brooks Kraft, Getty. Traitors have to stick together.)


  1. The damned judge himself made prejudicial statements during the trial and we have the damned lawyer making prejudicial statements as well. This looks to be yet another example of dirty politics. And we all can see that Trump will pardon Manafort, the “guy he barely knows” just to cover his own substantial ass.

    The corruption and the blatant obvious presentation of corruption infuriates me with the heat of ten thousand suns. Trump continues to boldly and brashly break all of the rules without fear of reprisal. We decent human beings all can see it, we hear his crimes discussed ad nauseum on MSNBC and sometimes even on network news, but nobody does a thing about it. Congress sits there, Senators feebly whine occasionally when he makes egregious moves, but nobody stands up and says, “Okay, this is it. We're fighing back!” because they are terrified of losing votes.

    We are in a world of hurt. November can't come soon enough. My husband and I already have a yard sign for our local Democrat (a smart woman) to tell our neighbors we're voting for decent representation. Get out the vote!

  2. donnah -- We, and millions of others, feel as you do. While there's no hope that spineless and treasonous Republican politicians will lift a finger to curb Trump, there are millions more of us. Voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts will be critical for November and beyond. 2016 was a lesson to the complacent and weary. Never again.
