Friday, August 31, 2018

Ohr: Russian Intelligence Said They Had Trump "Over A Barrel"

No wonder un- indicted co- conspirator Donald "Rump" Trump has been working hard to smear Associate Deputy AG Bruce Ohr:
A senior Justice Department lawyer says a former British spy told him at a breakfast meeting two years ago that Russian intelligence believed it had Donald Trump “over a barrel,” according to multiple people familiar with the encounter. 
The lawyer, Bruce Ohr, also says he learned that a Trump campaign aide had met with higher-level Russian officials than the aide had acknowledged, the people said. 
The previously unreported details of the July 30, 2016, breakfast with Christopher Steele, which Ohr described to lawmakers this week in a private interview, reveal an exchange of potentially explosive information about Trump between two men the president has relentlessly sought to discredit.  (our emphasis)
We won't be surprised if that kompromat "barrel" is filled with (at a minimum) laundered Russian mob money and mob loans underpinning Trumpworld, concomitant evidence of bank/ wire fraud, evidence of conspiracy to influence the 2016 election ("collusion!"), and, of course, a "hooker pee tape."  We also won't be surprised if Robert Mueller hasn't been all over it for some time now and knows everything the Russians know about Rump, and how the Russians are using that knowledge to undermine our democracy through their asset.

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