Thursday, August 9, 2018

Plot To Impeach Rosenstein Leaked

On her program last night, Rachel Maddow revealed a tape recording of a fundraiser for Rethuglican Conference Chair Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers where treasonous Russopublican weasel and co-conspirator Devin Nunes laid out his thoughts (endorsed by Rodgers) about impeaching Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. So as not to interfere with the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh as the next Supreme Court Justice, who would side with Kremlin asset Donald "Rump" Trump in any legal proceedings, Nunes advised waiting for Kavanaugh's appointment before impeaching Rosenstein, and therefore stopping the Russiagate investigation into Rump's conspiracy with Putin.

If you missed it, you can see the segment here. It demonstrates the party-before-country mentality of key Russopublicans who believe that, in saving a traitorous and corrupt President, they're saving themselves from his rabid and angry cult. The depth of their depraved cynicism in the way they're lining up the "timing" for protecting Rump is profound: put Rump-appointed Kavanaugh in place on the Supreme Court, then impeach and remove Rosenstein in order to stop the investigation / fire Robert Mueller. Lastly, the pitch to keep the Russopublicans in power after the mid-terms from Nunes:
"I mean we have to keep all these seats. We have to keep the majority. If we do not keep the majority, all of this goes away."
There's not a clearer clarion call for us to make sure that we organize, register and vote these miserable, conniving people out of office. We can start by contributing to the opponents of Rodgers and Nunes. Dem Lisa Brown was narrowly defeated by Rodgers in a "top two" primary on Tuesday; you can contribute to her campaign here. Nunes is opposed by prosecutor Andrew Janz; you can contribute to his campaign here.


  1. Republicans are idiots, full stop. Nunes is just one more idiot in the pile.

    Honestly, are these dorkwads ever going to learn that meetings and political luncheons and dinners are recorded? It killed Mittens, and hopefully somewhere it will kill Nunes. They are incompetent to incredible degrees.

  2. donnah -- Love the fact that the statements were recorded by someone who paid to get into the fundraiser. How are they going to stop that without turning away some money? Hahahaha.
