Thursday, August 9, 2018

Hate Shrieker Ingraham Goes Full Racist

There was a time when most right-wing racists were able to suppress their "inside" voices, the ones that undeniably would mark them as full-blown bigots. With their leader, neo-fascist racist Donald "Rump" Trump spewing hate speech from the podium, those times have passed, witness Rump cultist and Fux Channel fascist Laura Ingraham. Last night, she launched into a white supremacist, nativist rant about the loss of the "America" she, and her fellow bigots, once knew:
"Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people, and they are changes that none of us ever voted for, and most of us don't like. From Virginia to California, we see stark examples of how radically, in some ways, the country has changed.

Now, much of this is related to both illegal, and in some cases legal immigration that, of course, progressives love."
(our emphasis)
The "us" she's referring to are her right-wing cohort, not the majority of Americans, 75 percent of whom believe immigration is good for America.

Lots of reactions on Twitter here to her vile commentary. You'll recall that after she slandered Parkland School survivors, Ingraham's show bled advertisers. Many have snuck back, but can't hide. Time to put them on notice that advertising on a hate site isn't good business.

BONUS:  A big fan of Ingraham's sings her praises:

(photo: Letting it all "heil" out at the 2016 Rethuglican Klan meeting Convention)


  1. When you are a bad person and you get attention and payment for being bad, there is no incentive to be good. When you are challenged for being a bad person, you can evaluate yourself and your motivations and decide whether you should be good or bad. Ingraham has chosen to stay bad.

    The voices of the Republicans are filled with prejudice, hate, bigotry, and anger. Their spokespeople shout and gesture, and they argue all day, every day. This is what keeps them going. We can't shout over them, we can't drown them out. We have to make sure our voices are heard, at the polling booth.

  2. donnah -- Exactly what you said. Thanks.
