Thursday, August 2, 2018

Those "Liberal" Voices Supporting Kavanaugh

Rethugs and the far-right are mounting a full court press to put the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh over the top in the U.S. Senate later this year. His advocates are downplaying his statements on Roe v. Wade, and climate change, but his views on Presidential powers are equally concerning given the investigation of the co-conspirator in the White (Supremacist) House, who nominated Kavanaugh (the "Forrest Gump" of Rethuglican politics). It's not too much of a reach to imagine that Kremlin asset and fraudster Donald "Rump" Trump took note of his man's judicial record protecting the prerogatives of the Presidency, even on civil and criminal matters.

Much of the support being generated is by the usual right-wing corporatist suspects, who believe Kavanaugh will rule their way on matters of labor organizing and regulations, and by anti-choice fanatics. But oddly some voices from the ostensible "left" are chiming in, too. Case in point, a top lawyer from the prestigious, politically-connected Washington law firm of Arnold & Porter, self-described "liberal feminist" Lisa Blatt, who writes glowingly in today's Politico that:
"Sometimes a superstar is just a superstar. That is the case with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who had long been considered the most qualified nominee for the Supreme Court if Republicans secured the White House. The Senate should confirm him.
I have argued 35 cases before the Supreme Court, more than any other woman. I worked in the Solicitor General’s Office for 13 years during the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations. Because I am a liberal Democrat and feminist, I expect my friends on the left will criticize me for speaking up for Kavanaugh. But we all benefit from having smart, qualified and engaged judges on our highest court, regardless of the administration that nominates them."
(our emphasis)
Yes, please ignore that unfit, rule-of-law despoiler over there in the White (Supremacist) House, to whom Kavanaugh owes his nomination. Indeed, this article is already being touted on the White (Supremacist) House's website (no link). She goes on to say that Dems would be wrong in holding up his nomination as the Rethugs did with our superstar Judge Merrick Garland, thus rewarding their bad behavior. Her case seems to rest on the argument that, gee, he helped a lot of women like me, he's smart and he's a good listener, yadda yadda. She ducks the question of whether Kavanaugh will be the justice needed to repeal Roe v. Wade by saying:
   "I have no insight into his views on Roe v. Wade—something extremely important to me as a liberal, female Democrat and mother of a teenage girl. But whatever he decides on Roe, I know it will be because he believes the Constitution requires that result."
It's worth noting that Blatt is her law firm's top lawyer for cases argued before the Supreme Court, so it's unlikely that she'd be vocal in her opposition to a man who will, unfortunately, hear cases from her from the bench in the future. A little "beat sweetener" as they say. Her support will also make her popular with the major corporate clients represented by her law firm, like Philip Morris, Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline pharmaceuticals. It's one hand washing the other in the Washington swamp.

BONUS: Here's another "registered Democrat" by the name of Kathryn Cherry, a former clerk of his, in a video produced by the right-wing "Judicial Crisis Watch."  She should at least have the integrity to change her registration to Rethuglican after this betrayal.

1 comment:

  1. This article is a little over the top, but it is true that Kavanaugh is morally unqualified to render impartial judicial decisions.

    One of his main disqualifiers is his belief in an imperial presidency which is antithetical to American democracy.

    Kavanaugh believes a sitting president should not be indicted even though he may be shown to be a criminal. He also believes that a president should be able to choose his own investigator or completely suppress an investigation.

    He believes that even if he has been shown to be a criminal, the president should not be distracted from his duties even if those "duties" appear to be limited to:
    ...Ingesting Cokes, Big Macs, KFC buckets
    ...Tweeting at everyone about everything
    ...Alienating the world - except for autocrats
    ...Threatening U.S. allies
    ...Exalting autocrats
    ...Feuding with everyone whether they are consequential or not
    ...Attending vanity rallies
    ...Using the presidency to enrich himself and his family

    (Sorry. I just couldn't help it. Mea culpa)
