President Donald Trump’s military parade will be postponed, likely slated for 2019, the Pentagon reported Thursday.
Trump told high-ranking officials early this year to plan a parade showcasing the power of the U.S. military, The Washington Post reported. An unnamed military official told the Post that Trump asked for “a parade like the one in France.” The parade was slated for Nov. 10, Veteran’s Day weekend, before the Department of Defense released a statement that the White House agreed to “explore opportunities in 2019.” [snip]
Reports emerged earlier Thursday that the cost of the parade went over budget by $80 million, an unnamed official told CNBC. An initial estimate in July put the cost of the parade at $12 million but an updated figure, which included interagency expenses, put the estimate at $92 million, CNBC reported. (our emphasis)Of course, this was never a parade to honor the military. That this vile, narcissistic putz would have taxpayers spend nearly $100 million dollars just to bolster his sense of power and glory is not just an outrage, but an abuse of power. Spineless weasels in Congress (i.e., Republicans) who would have blown enough fuses to darken the Eastern seaboard had President Obama tried to pull something like this, continue to cower -- offering yet another in a myriad of reasons to kick their asses out of office come November.
True to form, the sad little tyrant has to blame someone, anyone, and gets a quick clap back.
Meanwhile, we understand several perfectly appropriate parade features have been rejected -- for now:

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