Monday, August 13, 2018

Tweet Of The Day

Staying classy!

(h/t Mock Paper Scissors)


DivaNewYork said...

Loathsome. There are no words left to describe him and the slobs who support him.

W. Hackwhacker said...

It's a challenge, Diva! We've had to borrow from the Scots ("shitgibbon," "cocksplat") but may have to go further afield!

donnah said...

Trump continues to embrace the worst dregs of society. Not dissing motorcycle fans, I'm saying Trump openly supports extremists of all stripes. When the president of the country cannot outright speak out against racist Nazi followers, there is a serious disconnect.

Every day, something more terrible than the last.

W. Hackwhacker said...

We're all living in a swamp, donnah. A moral, ethical swamp.