Contrary to what climate change deniers like Interior Secretary and corruptocrat Ryan "Stinke" Zinke say, the warming of the earth's atmosphere caused by human activities (i.e. burning fossil fuels) is responsible for massive fires, like the rash of fires in California recently. The Associated Press has researched the issue and reports:
"Experts say the way global warming worsens wildfires comes down to the basic dynamics of fire. Fires need ignition, oxygen and fuel. And what’s really changed is fuel — the trees, brush and other plants that go up in flames.One would think that Zinke, who is in charge of Federal lands, including our national park system, would be knowledgeable about that science data. One would be wrong. For Zinke and other members of the anti-environment Trump administration, facts are stubborn things, especially when they intrude on the prerogatives and profits of the powerful fossil fuel conglomerates, which routinely contribute large sums of money (in addition to "dark" money) to Republican campaigns and political action committees.
'Hotter drier weather means our fuels are drier so it’s easier for fires to start and spread and burn more intensely,' said University of Alberta fire scientist Mike Flannigan.
It’s simple, he said: 'The warmer it is, the more fire we see.'
Federal fire and weather data show higher air temperatures are turbo-charging fire season."
The corrupt Trump administration purposely placed industry-friendly foxes like Zinke (and Scott Pruitt) in the Federal henhouses that manage our natural resources and environment. They're far to busy living large off of the American taxpayer to care about stubborn things like fires.
(photo: Mendocino Complex Fire, Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
It is happening all over. There have been massive forest fires all around the Baltic Sea, especially in Sweden and Latvia. Fires in Greece have killed more than eighty people because they spread so quickly that some places didn't have time to evacuate. Here in Oregon, for several mornings last week, the Sun looked weirdly dim and orange -- the first time it happened I wondered if it was an unusually-bright Moon. It was being caused by smoke from forest fires elsewhere in Oregon, forming a think haze in the air.
ReplyDeleteTrump and the Trumplings are fiddling while the planet burns.
Remember, in the Trump administration, truth isn't truth. A famous lawyer just said so. And science isn't science, either. So global warming and climate change are silly nonsense and humans have done nothing to faciltate the ongoing rise in temperatures. And we need to relax environmental regulations because allowing corporate interests in logging, oil production, mining, and territorial expansion is key to making America Great Again.
ReplyDeleteSheesh, don't you know how things work?!
infidel -- What was forecast almost 20 years ago is happening now, except at a faster pace. We tend to focus on the fires here in the U.S., but as you note, it's a global crisis.
ReplyDeletedonnah -- Remember, don't believe your eyes and ears, just believe the Great Trumpkin.