Sunday, August 19, 2018

Giuliani: "Truth Isn't Truth" (UPDATED)

Pathological lying narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump's unhinged mouthpiece Rudy "Ghouliani" Giuliani does Orwell, playing the role of "Squealer" ("Truth isn't truth" comes at about 0:35):

UPDATE:  Someone who knows how autocrats like Rump's handler, Vladimir Putin, operate offers his insights into what's going on here:


  1. Oh, Rudy! What a guy!

    Truth isn't truth to you and the Trumps because you wouldn't recognize the truth if it slapped your face and called you stupid.

  2. donnah - deploying Rudy is the gift that keeps on giving.

  3. Hack, asplain it to me, please. Giuliani is out there to do what? Is he putting up a front as a distraction, trying to draw attention away from the investigations and the WH turmoil? Surely the “smart” team behind Trump, if there is one, can't condone the reckless crap Rudy is selling because it's obviously ridiculous. And while Trump may believe Rudy is trying to protect him, it's clear that every time he opens his mouth he sounds like a chattering jackdaw.

    I don't get it.

  4. donnah - i have no real clue except that I think Rudy is an attention ho and seldom has any idea what's going to come out of his mouth at any moment. The brainz at the WH seem to think the more he distracts the better, while at the same time secure in the belief that Trump's loyal base will stick with him no matter what.
