Thursday, September 13, 2018

As Wall Plans Fade, Mexico Gets Millions From Trump

A government shutdown is approaching because Very Stable Genius and con man Donald "Rump" Trump wants billions in taxpayer dollars to pay for a wall that he promised Mexico would pay for, and he's not getting it. His administration's also been caught transferring $10 million from FEMA disaster relief to ICE to pay for detention and removal activities right in time for hurricane season, according to documents released by Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley.

Now we're learning that Rump is taking $20 million in foreign assistance funds and providing it to Mexico to cover deportation costs for undocumented immigrants there. The New York Times reports:
"The money will help increase deportations of Central Americans, many of whom pass through Mexico to get to the American border. Any unauthorized immigrant in Mexico who is a known or suspected terrorist will also be deported under the program, according to the notification, although such people are few in number. 
The plan, which has been debated internally for months, is part of a broader push by the Trump administration to redirect billions in foreign assistance to other priorities. The administration has yet to spend nearly $3 billion in foreign aid, money allocated last year by Congress with broad bipartisan support. Hundreds of millions of dollars meant to help stabilize Syria and support Palestinian schools and hospitals has already been redirected."
Perhaps that last item is part of an ingenious plan by Rump's inept son-in-law Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner to solve the Middle East problem, or just to help Russia in that sphere. We also wonder what those "other priorities" for foreign assistance Rump has in mind, but we're certain it won't serve a good purpose.

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