Thursday, September 13, 2018

Trump's Sinister Take On Hurricane Maria

After getting his despicable orange ass handed to him for bragging about his terrible performance in the Hurricane Maria debacle in Puerto Rico, pathological liar and sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump tweeted this morning that the certified death toll of nearly 3,000 people was faked by "Democrats". This despite his own administration's analysis that 2,975 people died as a result of the hurricane and it's ongoing effects, including lack of electricity, clean water, medical supplies and services and food. Rump's neglect after the first week -- where he was infamously shown throwing paper towels to a crowd -- meant that disaster relief didn't match the urgency and scale of the relief provided to mainland Americans in Texas and Florida who were hit with hurricanes Harvey and Irma. The fact that Rump sees Puerto Ricans as less than real Americans because of their Hispanic heritage contributed to the neglect. We also know from Bob Woodward's book "Fear" that he completely lacks empathy for others and evaluates everything in terms of his image.

Rump's Orwellian statements about his "unsung success" are meant for his gullible cult, and not meant to address reality and "lessons learned," because in Rump's unwell mind he needs no improvement. Everything he does is "A+".

BONUS: The charismatic mayor of San Juan isn't having Rump's b.s.

(cartoon: Jim Morin, Miami Times)


  1. And Republican Senators and Congress people will play deaf and ignore Trump's outrageous lies about Puerto Rico. They won't step up and say, “Um, Mr Trump, that's simply not true” because they might still be able to wring a few more pennies from the poor with him in office.

    Reprehensible, filthy, disgusting, liars, cheats, thieves.

    Trump is the worst excuse for a human being that I have ever seen.
