Thursday, September 13, 2018

Trump's Hotel Scam Lives Another Day

As most if not all jurisdictions do, the District of Columbia regulates establishments that serve alcoholic beverages to make sure people with low moral character aren't serving liquor to minors, etc. Yesterday, the DC Alcoholic Beverage Control Board ruled against a months-old complaint against neo-fascist bigot Donald "Rump" Trump's liquor license at his Trump International Hotel a couple of blocks from the White (Supremacist) House. The 27-page complaint laid out all of the unethical, scandalous and illegal activities that Rump's been engaged in: a fraud settlement over Trump "University," his status as un-indicted co-conspirator in campaign finance violations, his record of sexual abuse of women, etc. etc. Sadly, the little pipsqeaks on the Board apparently thought they'd get too much heat from Rump's tweets, and punted another review to next spring. Cowards. Liquor sales are the major profit center for the hotel, as room occupancy is less than half due to their sky-high prices and the hotel's link to Rump.

The hotel has also been targeted by the Attorneys General of Maryland and DC over the hotel for being a clear violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution, which prohibits a President from financially benefitting from his position. The hotel is a well-known gathering place for foreign potentates and diplomats seeking Rump's favor, as well as lobbyists and businessmen showing their loyalty to the Grifter-in-Chief, who profited by $2 million by that hotel. If you don't think he notices who patronizes his tacky establishment, you haven't been paying attention. Rump has never divested himself from his businesses, only transferred their management to his corrupt sons, who also keep him informed and plugged in.

(photo: Activist group Care2 has been periodically projecting messages on Rump's hotel in DC; this one was captured by WJLA in April, 2018)

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