Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Breaking: Four Can Corroborate Ford's Story

Lawyers for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford have provided the Senate Judiciary Committee with sworn statements from four individuals who are corroborating her story of attempted rape by troubled judge Brett Kavanaugh. Three friends and her husband have sworn to the accuracy of Ford's account of being molested by a drunken Kavanaugh during a party in 1982. According to one of the individuals:
"In her declaration, Adela Gildo-Mazzon said Ford told her about the alleged assault during a June 2013 meal at a restaurant in Mountain View, California, and contacted Ford’s attorneys on Sept. 16 to tell them Ford had confided in her five years ago.

'During our meal, Christine was visibly upset, so I asked her what was going on,' Gildo-Mazzon said in her declaration. 'Christine told me she had been having a hard day because she was thinking about an assault she experienced when she was much younger. She said she had been almost raped by someone who was now a federal judge. She told me she had been trapped in a room with two drunken guys, and that she had escaped, ran away and hid.'"
The statements will be used by lawyers for Ford in the hearing scheduled for tomorrow before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where cowardly Rethuglican Senators will be hiding behind a female Republican prosecutor brought in to question Ford. The Rethugs were rightly terrified of having their misogynist flags fly by asking delicate questions themselves or appearing to bully Ford themselves, which some Rethugs (cough Orrin Hatch cough) would love to do.

Lawyers for a second Kavanaugh accuser Deborah Ramirez have been rebuffed by Committee staff, after coming forward with an offer to testify before the Committee about Kavanaugh's exposing himself to her in their freshmen year at Yale. Ramirez has also called for an FBI investigation into her allegations. One of Kavanaugh's roommates at Yale at that time has described Kavanaugh as an aggressive drunk, adding "I believe her."

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