Saturday, September 15, 2018

Clarence Darrow He Ain't

Rudy "Ghouliani" Giuliani, Trump's clownish TV lawyer, whom we hope co-conspirator Donald "Rump" Trump continues to rely on for legal advice, was caught flat-footed by yesterday's plea deal with former Rump campaign manager and world-class fraudster Paul Manafort. Giuliani wasn't the only one, of course, but he was in direct communication with Manafort's legal team as part of their joint defense agreement (which looks as though it wasn't worth the paper it was printed on). Whether Rump is cogent enough to realize that his TV lawyer futzed up again is debatable. Giuliani's confusion was amplified by the statement he issued that contained the phrase, "The reason: the President did nothing wrong and Paul Manafort will tell the truth,” which was quickly modified to drop the "and Paul Manafort will tell the truth" part. They know if Manafort testifies on any number of matters involving Rump and his crime family, it's the truth that will incriminate them.

Before he signed on to Rump's campaign as a low and dirty hit man and then to the White (Supremacist) House as a fourth-rate lawyer, Giuliani had almost no reputation to protect. Events of the summer show that he now has none.

(photo: Giuliani deep in thought.)


  1. Clarence Darrow? He reminds me more of Humpty Dumpty. A sad decline from his role after 9/11, really. I guess it's hard for a guy to judge when he's no longer suited for the limelight.

  2. Infidel -- He's stretching his post-Mayoral 15 minutes of fame to the max, seeking out any TV camera and microphone. He's getting a vicarious power rush from being next to Trump, even though he looks more and more deranged himself. He actually thought he'd be President someday (a root of his Hillaryhate), so this would be the closest thing for him.
