Saturday, September 1, 2018

Laura Ingraham's Modest Proposal

In the past week, because Very Stable Genius Donald "Rump" Trump doesn't understand algorithms and search engines, Google and other tech enterprises became the focus of his childish ire for not treating "conservatives fairly." He's no doubt getting most of his "information" from the tech-savvy wizards at the Fux Channel, while sitting alone in bed finishing off his last cheeseburger of the evening.

We can expect Rump to latch on to another brilliant idea, this time provided last night by neo-fascist, alt-right screecher Laura Ingraham on her Fux show. Let's see if he goes for her brainfart of treating Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc. as "public utilities:"
“There’s a thought that given the enormity of these corporations, and this is a public square today,” Ingraham said. “This is the equivalent of what we used to see in the old town square was people with a bull horn. And so could there be a movement to treat them more like public utilities, so they have some quasi-government oversight of these entities?”
Translation: "We don't like the mean things the fake news media is saying about Dear Leader, so let's control the 'fake search' companies to make sure our propaganda is foremost on their sites."  She thinks it's all a conspiracy by "left coast liberals" who run Silicon Valley. So much for small gubmint "conservatism." Of course if this were to happen (nope), the heavy hand of Trumpists wouldn't fall on everyone equally:
“By the way, Bing is the is the best search engine. The least biased is Bing. For whatever reason, that’s what I’ve discovered.”
Unfortunately for our democracy, this won't be the last thing Ingraham will discover.

(photo: Ingraham salutes image of Rump at 2016 Rethuglican Convention. CNN photo)

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