Saturday, September 1, 2018

Megan McCain's Not Having "MAGA"

Good that Javanka, Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly and other Trumpists had to sit and listen as the applause rained down on them.



  1. I'm watching the memorial service and have been deeply moved. Megan spoke eloquently and emotionally about her father, and let's remember that he was her dad, no politics, just a dad who loved his little girl. And when she did get political, it went straight to Trump and his ridiculous presidency.

    Lieberman gave a good tribute, as did Bush, but Obama, always my President, really delivered a strong and thoughtful tribute.

    Songs by the Naval Academy Glee Club have also been beautiful and I believe there is a spirit, however temporary, of a genuine respect for reaching across the aisle. If only it would carry back to Congress after the tributes.

    I was not a fan of McCain, but he earned the respect of a nation and his friends, and may he rest in peace.

  2. donnah -- Well said. It's been a very moving and appropriate memorial to him. In looking at the faces of those in the audience -- McConnell, Ryan, Graham and others -- one wonders if the messages are penetrating, or whether this is a ceremonial box to check for them.
