Saturday, September 29, 2018

QOTD: "Limbaugh-Loving Scumbag Frat Boy"

"Perhaps one needs to step back a bit to appreciate how far from a judicial performance it really was. Here was a member of Washington’s elite – 'I got into Yale without any connections!' he screeched – who would have been far better served portraying himself as an aggrieved, decent guy, one who might become a neutral umpire calling balls and strikes. Instead, he went full Limbaugh-loving scumbag frat boy on national TV. And keep in mind that these weren’t spontaneous outbursts of emotion — his testimony was carefully rehearsed during hours of prep at the White House." --  Joshua Holland, commenting on raging butthead and drunken assaulter Brett "KavaNut" Kavanaugh's snarling, contemptuous, hyperpartisan, unbalanced performance in Thursday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. One wonders if Stephen Miller or unhinged sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump himself rehearsed KavaNut.


  1. All of them, Katie! And a side helping of vitriolic, rabid dog, completely unhinged Lindsey Graham. I ve never seen two grown men act more like bratty, spoiled, entitled rotten children.

    If the women who testified on their own behalf had acted that badly, they would have been called “hysterical” or “overwrought” or “excessively emotional”.Of course, the men were simply passionate and speaking from the heart.

  2. donnah -- Kavanaugh was in rage mode, and should be disqualified over his emotional instability, not to mention his threats of "what goes around comes around" etc. He's even less qualified on many counts than Clarence Thomas.

  3. Well, and further disclosure about the FBI investigation says that the investigation is blocked from questioning witnesses considered “questionable” including Avenatti's declared witness. Trump probably had a slimy hand in that. And the Republicans surely will create roadblocks and other restraints on other FBI interrogations if they get too close to proving anything against Kavanaugh.

    The system is rigged. Honor and honesty mean nothing. Republicans always are one step ahead.
