Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Giuliani: Have Cash? Will Travel!

In the past year, there's been no more vocal panderer to neo-fascist demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump than his bumbling TV lawyer and sinister opportunist Rudy "Ghouliani" Giuliani. Loose cannon Ghouliani would dearly like a position in Rump's cabinet, if it weren't for the fact that he'd have a very hard time getting confirmed even by the Rethuglican Senate.

While he fruitlessly waits for that ship to come in, the disgraced former mayor has been filling his pockets on the speaking tour, shaking down the gullible who believe he has influence with Rump and Co. And Ghouliani isn't especially concerned about the company he keeps at these engagements. He's scheduled to speak today at the pro-Russian "Eurasian Week" conference in Armenia, along with the usual cast of Kremlin-connected stooges. One stooge in particular is noteworthy: Sergei Glazyev, a Russian advisor to criminal thug Vladimir Putin who's been sanctioned by the U.S. and our European allies for his role in Russia's invasion of the Ukraine in 2014.

What makes this engagement of Ghouliani's reek even more is who invited him. Ara Abrahamyan, a Russian-Armenian "businessman" who makes no secret of his allegiance to Putin:
"[Ghouliani] came to Yerevan at the invitation of Ara Abrahamyan, a Russian-Armenian businessman and head of the Union of Armenians of Russia, who prides himself on his ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. 'He gives orders and I carry them out,' Abrahamyan has said of Putin." (our emphasis)
Got it. Putin wanted Ghouliani there, so done! Again, filling his pockets while he can seems to be the corrupt Ghouliani's only concern:
"It's not clear how Abrahamyan enticed Giuliani to Yerevan, but the American has a record of getting involved in other countries' politics for money. In August, Giuliani spoke out against an anti-corruption effort in Romania, contradicting the official position of the State Department. He later acknowledged that he did so after being engaged by a lobbying firm." (our emphasis)
Next stop, a bloody dinner with Mohammed bin Bone Saw?

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