Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Greasy Donald Jr.: Beware Those Girls, Boys! [UPDATED]

Proving that the misogynist turd doesn't fall far from the asshole, greasy s.o.b. Donald Trump, Jr. sided with groping, sexual abuser boys everywhere (and especially raging preppy attempted rapist Brett "KavaNut" Kavanaugh) yesterday:
"Donald Trump Jr. is more concerned about the perceived threat posed to his sons than to his daughters in the #MeToo era, he said in a new interview. The father of five talked about his fears amid these times of sexual misconduct accusations and the assault allegation facing Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

'I've got boys and I've got girls and when I see what's going on now, it's scary for all things,' Trump, 40, told DailyMailTV.

A DailyMailTV reporter then asked President Donald Trump's eldest son whether he feared more for his daughters or sons.

'Right now, I'd say my sons,' he said of his three male children who range in age from 5 to 9."
(our emphasis)
If he's raising them to regard women in the sexist and demeaning way he and his father do, then yes, greasy Junior should be afraid of them getting caught up in sexual abuse scandals. This privileged punk's wife divorced him over his failure to provide financial support to her and their five children, among other things. His affair with singer Aubrey O'Day during their marriage was also an affront to his wife.

The message he should -- but won't -- be giving to his sons is treat women with dignity and respect, and not like your grandfather and dad do.

UPDATE: Like turd, like son of turd. Trump says it's a "scary time" for young men. November can't come soon enough.

(photo: Greasy Donald Jr. in his safe space)


  1. Don Jr recently took his kids camping and made a big deal about it. My fave reply came from genius commentator Charles Pierce, who tweeted, “Lawyer up, Daniel Boone”.

    The Trump family is rotten through and through. And the Trump “kids” have capitalized on Daddy's bluster and bullying to make their own crooked paths in life. It would give me great pleasure to see them all be taken down.

    Jr's comments about being worried that his sons would be wrongly accused in response to what's happening with Kavanaugh is the new Republican meme. As usual, Republicans want to flip the argument so that suddenly men are the victims, not women. As usual, this meme will be snatched up by anyone in the media and FOX will trumpet it as if it were a real thing. Sigh.

    We just have to fight back, and harder than ever before. These monsters have given us all the ammunition we need to get angry and fight back. We have to do that.

  2. donnah -- He was raised -- and raised his own children -- to believe that the Trump family is superior and destined to rule over us all. No amount of naked greed, illegality, treason or vile behavior is beneath them in their quest for wealth and power, everyone else be damned.
