Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Vid Of The Day: Kavanaugh Hoisted On His Own Petard

Bullying rageaholic partisan Brett "KavaNut" Kavanaugh discusses proper judicial demeanor in 2015:

Oops.  Sad!


  1. Add this video to his list of lies. Not to mention hypocrisy.

    Meet your new Supreme Court Judge!

  2. donnah - he's quite a piece of work, isn't he?

  3. I think the worst part is the inevitability of it. Newest reports say the FBI is wrapping up the investigation by tomorrow, with a vote coming shortly thereafter. McConnell and Grassley and the rest will squeeze out the votes, just enough to pass, and Kavanaugh will be in. All of the emotion and exhaustion and drama will have been for nothing. And we have to gird our loins for the next battle and the next.

    I keep harping on the importance of the midterms. I hope they will make a difference, that we haven't been swindled so much that we lose those, too. Sometimes it's overwhelming.

  4. donnah - if it happens, and they bull K's way onto the Supreme Court, it will jack up Democratic voter enthusiasm into the stratosphere. It won't be over with a confirmation; he'll be dogged and dogged and dogged.
