Tuesday, October 9, 2018

House Of Turds

With Nikki Haley's resignation as U.N. Ambassador today, the game of musical chairs begins. It was clear from observers of the awful national security team put in place by demagogue and Kremlin stooge Donald "Rump" Trump that Haley's opinion was not valued by the likes of loon and mustache support system John "Yosemite Bomb" Bolton, his national security advisor. Whatever the inside politics that motivated her resignation (a mountain of debt, or maybe a possible investigation into the seven private corporate jet flights she took), there are some shifts afoot, and here are some of the possible permutations. First, Rump is likely tempted to put the object of his incestuous lust true First Lady Ivanka "Complicit" Trump in Haley's job, since he's been groping grooming her over the past 18 months with appearances at foreign conferences as his stand-in. Of course, she's vastly underqualified for the job, but that's never stopped Rump from appointing his family members and friends to key positions. Rump sees his family as a royal dynasty, and would dearly like to see his main squeeze daughter as a future Presidential candidate. We know, try not to gag.

Speaking of his friends, shouty-faced little magnolia blossom, the disgusting Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry" Graham, fresh off his despicable performance in the Senate Judiciary Committee where he did Rump a solid by derailing the questioning of Brett "KavaNut" Kavanaugh before it got interesting, has the Attorney General position in his shameless sights. He would resign his Senate seat to take the AG position after hapless Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is fired, and Haley would be appointed to the Senate to fill out Graham's term by the Rethuglican Governor of South "Secession" Carolina.

A possible scenario, certainly, and it fits Rump's "give me loyalty and I'll give you something" authoritarian approach. It would be a further degradation of our democratic republican institutions.

(photo: Better keep your legs crossed sitting near President Pussygrabber. Getty Images)

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