Tuesday, October 9, 2018

So Much For A "Red Wave"?

Large chunks of the media have been buying and propagating without analysis the spin Republicans have been selling, that the KavaNut confirmation fight has energized their mouth- frothing MAGA base into a red wave mid- term election. The latest CNN poll just popped that sad little balloon:
 o Among registered voters NOT in favor of confirmation, 58 percent are "very enthusiastic" to vote. 
 o Among registered voters who favored confirmation, only 40 percent say they are "very enthusiastic" to vote.
What the anti- democratic, misogynist, male privilege KavaNut shitshow that just transpired did do was to sure as hell energize the sane portion of the population:

Four weeks from today, we will be heard loud and clear at the polls that count.


  1. The polls, which can be fickle, are showing a possibility of the Democrats taking the House, but not the Senate. We'll take a win, but I'd rather take both. I am a regular voter and never miss a vote, but I went to the national website to check and make sure I'm still registered, and I am. Ohio and eight other staes have today as the final day to register, so make sure you're still listed as registered.

    There's our democracy at stake, people. Don't sit home and miss the deadlines! Vote in the Midterms,

  2. donnah - nothing should be taken for granted, including that your registration hasn't been "scrubbed." Every one of us has to take responsibility to make sure we can cast a ballot on November 6.
