Saturday, October 27, 2018

Tweets Of The Day -- Sociopath

We've been watching the news all day and have yet to see any of the news media note this piece of (by now unsurprising) despicable, sociopathic behavior:


  1. Trump cares about Trump. Period.

    Everything he says and does is about how he feels and how he thinks he is being perceived in the public eye. He has a peculiar sense of vanity, a narcissist's view of the world where everyone should be focused on his every word and respect him no matter what. In his mind, he is adored by millions, and those who don't adore him are simply jealous of him, his amazing intellect, his business acumen, his wealth.

    I wish there was a magical mirror that he could see himself as he truly is: a bloated, selfish, greedy blowhard with no heart, no brain, and no feelings for anyone else. He'd smash it, but it would be great for him to glimpse that truth, even for a moment.
