Monday, October 8, 2018

Voter Registration Deadlines

You can't vote if you're not registered. If you have kids that may not have registered, get them to your board of elections or other official site NOW. This is too important an election to assume things or to sit back. If there's early voting in your state, do it.  Here is a list of registration deadlines for each State; some have already passed.

BONUS:  Especially if you're a Georgia voter, make sure the bastards haven't purged you from the rolls. And as donnah notes in the comments, make sure your senior friends are registered, assist them in getting to the polls, and make sure they are aware of dates to vote, register, etc.


donnah said...

Don't forget the elderly voters who may have missed an election. Make sure they're still registered and also that they have transportation to the polls on Voting Day. And if they get mailed reminders, make sure they realize the actual date they need to vote, not something an unreputable party might misrepresent.

Hackwhackers said...

donnah -- Great points.