Monday, October 8, 2018

The Republicans' Unseemly Celebration

After all of the Rethuglicans' lying, cynical talk of drunken frat boy assaulter Brett "KavaNut" Kavanaugh being judicial and evenhanded, despite his extensive background as a political hit man under the likes of Ken Starr and the Bushies, they've dropped the mask and are celebrating his confirmation with high fives (as SNL parodied).

Perhaps the ugliest and most troubling reactions were provided in tweets by the usual despicable suspects:

Note the use of the word "under" to describe the Supreme Court's relation to the Executive Branch under demagogue and Russian asset Donald "Rump" Trump. This is someone who clearly sees the government as a authoritarian entity, with all branches subordinate to Rump.

Slimy little magnolia blossom and sidecar man Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry" Graham is a disgrace. He went golfing with Rump yesterday, and was sure to bring his kneepads in his quest to be the next Attorney General.

Alcohol was KavaNut's lubricant before assaulting women in high school and at Yale, so what better way to celebrate? With this sick crowd, beer is now their symbol of white male privilege and an assault culture and they're not bothering to hide it.

November is coming.


  1. You'd think we would be used to their gloating, self-congratulatory shows of glee, but every time they score a “win” for their party, we have to use it as a reg flag waving in front of us. We have to turn the sickening fury we feel into a full-fledged roar of donations, campaign-volunteering, and voting upheaval.

    I want the smug sneers wiped off their faces.

  2. donnah -- This latest display of their arrogance and evil has to motivate Dem and independent voters. If it doesn't, what will?
