Friday, November 9, 2018

Fraudster Rick Scott Claims Fraud In Florida Senate Race (UPDATED)

As Charles Pierce would say, "those rats won't f*ck themselves."

Florida Republican Gov. Rick "Batboy" Scott is using his office to interfere in the Senate election vote counting:
Florida Gov. Rick Scott suggested there was “rampant fraud” and called for law enforcement to investigate two counties over their election practices as the Republican’s lead in the state’s U.S. Senate race continued to shrink Thursday evening.  
As the Senate contest between Scott and Sen. Bill Nelson appeared headed toward a recount, Scott repeatedly accused liberals of trying to “steal” the election from him in Broward and Palm Beach counties. He called out the supervisors of elections, Democrats Brenda Snipes and Susan Bucher, by name, on the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to investigate the way the counties were counting ballots. 
Scott should know all about fraud. (Remember who this slimeball ran against: Sen. Bill Nelson, a former astronaut and man of unquestioned integrity.  WTF, Florida?)

And as far as we can recall, elections in Florida are only stolen by Republicans. So this is yet another Republican effort to interfere with ballot counting while Scott has a tiny -- and shrinking -- lead. Get ready for another Brooks Brothers riot! (Right on schedule!)

Democrats should have learned their lesson from 2000, and Nelson has already assembled a top notch legal team for the mandated recount. But Democratic organizations from the DNC to the Florida state party need to step up and help counter this blatant attempt to steal another election.  Every vote counts, and every seat in the Senate counts.

UPDATESen. Nelson's office responds --
“The tone, the tenor and [Scott’s] behavior last night is not suggestive of a campaign that believes it’s winning,” Marc Elias, the Nelson campaign’s lead recount lawyer, said on a call with reporters. 
“This is not a third-world dictatorship,” Elias said, referring to Scott’s “veiled threat or suggestion that he was somehow going to involve law enforcement.” 
“We don’t let people seize ballots when they think they’re losing,” he continued.

UPDATE II:  It's not just Florida;  the weasels are pulling a similar stunt in the tight Senate race in Arizona that they're suddenly losing.

(Photo:  Gov. Batboy)

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