Friday, November 9, 2018

Lying Liars, Lying Videos

Professional liar and propagandist Sarah "Hucksterbee" Sanders is taking a barrage of outrage over the staged barring of CNN reporter Jim Acosta from the White (Supremacist) House, after he stood up to neo-fascist con man Donald "Rump" Trump in Wednesday's press conference / Rump rage fest. Yesterday, in a lame effort to justify barring Acosta, Sanders' office released a clearly doctored video reportedly from lunatic Alex Jones' wingnut internet site InfoWars. The Associated Press had an expert review the video from Sanders' office:
"...a frame-by-frame comparison with an Associated Press video of the same incident shows that the one tweeted by Sanders appears to have been altered to speed up Acosta’s arm movement as he touches the intern’s arm, according to Abba Shapiro, an independent video producer who examined the footage at AP’s request. Earlier, Shapiro noticed that frames in the tweeted video were frozen to slow down the action, allowing it to run the same length as the AP one.

The tweeted video also does not have any audio, which Shapiro said would make it easier to alter. It’s also unlikely the differences could be explained by technical glitches or by video compression — a reduction in a video’s size to enable it to play more smoothly on some sites — because the slowing of the video and the acceleration that followed are 'too precise to be an accident,' said Shapiro, who trains instructors to use video editing software."
(our emphasis)
The deceit and shamelessness of the White (Supremacist) House press operation is matched only by their stupidity and incompetence, which mirrors that of their boss, the current illegitimate occupant of the Oval Office. We've captured a small sampling of reactions to their attempt to justify the unjustifiable.



  1. I thought it odd the way that woman charged on Acosta. This was a another amateur set up. I certainly hope Mueller ends this fking nonsense soon.

  2. Anon. -- Trump knew that by calling on Acosta, he'd get an adversarial question(s), but chose to do so to set up the faux drama. Hope that by Thanksgiving, we have something more to be thankful for, i.e. indictments.
