Friday, November 16, 2018

Orange County Is Solid Blue

Former Republican stronghold Orange County, California, with six Congressional Districts (five more than the States of Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming, individually) is now all blue:

(Image:  screenshot via Rachel Bitecofer)


  1. The pinhead Trump came out with bold claims of victory after the election and boasted of Republican victories across the board. As usual, he was blowing smoke and trying to avoid the facts: there was a Blue Wave and it washed out more than a few Red districts. And it eroded some other Red areas, too, making them more purple.

    Did we get everything we wanted? Sadly, no. Winning a majority in the Senate would have been incredible. But we can work with this, our victory in the House. And we can address and hopefully fix voters' rights so the gerrymandering and vote suppression and inequalities in representation for our fellow citizens, regardless of their religion or skin color. We have the power to do so much. Turning blue is just the beginning.

  2. donnah - it looks like shoring up voting rights will be the first priority in the House come January. It may or may not die in the Senate or on Rump's desk, but it will be one of the issues Dems will run on in 2020. It's going to be a slog, but we have history and demographics on our side.

    BTW, it didn't help when various media yakkers prematurely declared the election to be a "trickle" rather than a wave. Dumbasses.
