Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Today's Election Cartoon

(click on image to enlarge)

(Tom Toles, Washington Post)


  1. I'm a nervous wreck down here in Trinidad. We're one of a few yanks still in the boatyard here getting our floating retirement homes ready to sail. I've got the election on my mind and can't concentrate on what needs to be done. I'm afraid I under purchased beer for this day and it's a holiday in Trini. Damn.

    Cheers to you guys for entertaining me and keeping me informed up to this point. Should we lose I'm afraid I will have to avoid all politics for my own sanity until 2020. Best wishes for an instant holiday tomorrow.

    PJ the sailor
    Trinidad WI

  2. PJ -- thanks for your wishes! We have a strong feeling we'll all be in a happy mood come about 10pm ET. We appreciate your interest in the blog and will try our best to keep things going strong. Cheers to you and Peace!
